
The Pantanal, extensive seasonally flooded area, has a lush flora and fauna, it is worth being visited. Corumbá, in the western part of the plain, forming the border with Bolivia, has 95% of its territory in the Pantanal, occupying almost half of the flooded plain. Besides the natural beauty, visitors can count on the hospitality of the people corumbaense.

To encourage and facilitate the tour of the participants of the 2nd GeoPantanal, the organizing committee places below where several sites are offered package tours and excursions in the region.

The fast and comfortable to reach Corumbá is by plane. For the city of Campo Grande, capital of the state, there are several daily flights, but there is only one to Corumbá daily flight made by TAM / TRIP. It is worthwhile to go by car or bus from Campo Grande to Corumba, a journey of 430 miles, traveling over 100 km within the Pantanal. Several times each day by bus, made by the Company Andorinha.
VIPTUR Viagens e Turismo


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