
2nd Symposium on Geo in the Pantanal
The 2nd Geopantanal will be held from 7 to 11 November 2009 in the city of Corumbá-MS.
The 7th and 8th of November (Saturday and Sunday) will be reserved for courses that are taught in
periods of 8h-12h and 14h-18h in UFMS - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Campus de Corumbá - Rio Branco, 1270 - Corumbá-MS
Phone (67) 3234-6800

Note: The Avenue Rio Branco is the continuation of Street America, where are the Hotel Nacional.
The UFMS is distant 1.8 km from the Hotel Nacional

Oral sessions, panels, invited lectures and exhibitions
Take place from 9 to 11 November (2nd and 4th Monday), from 17h-22: 15h in
Hotel Nacional
Road America, 936, Center
Phone (67) 3234.6000

The opening session of the 2nd Geopantanal will be held on November 8 (Sunday) at 19:30 at the Hotel Nacional.

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Last Update: 06/10/2009  Copyright© 2009 Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. All Rights reserved.