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The main goal of the 2nd Symposium of Geotechnologies in the Pantanal - 2nd GeoPantanal is to promote the meeting of professionals of academic-scientific communities and students interested in the use of geotechnologies for researches in the Pantanal, including the surrounding area, also located in Bolivia and Paraguay, delimitated by the upper Paraguay river basin.

The event will provide opportunity to:

Publish scientific works;
Extend knowledge on how to apply geotechnologies to the study of humid areas;
Evaluate the state of art of the application of geotechnologies to environmental studies related to the Pantanal, and
Promote international and interinstitutional cooperation.

During the event the results will be disseminated in GeoMS Project, coordinated by Embrapa Informática Agropecuária and developed in partnership with the Institute of Environment of Mato Grosso do Sul - Imasul, National Institute for Space Research - INPE , Embrapa Beef Cattle and the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS.

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Last Update: 07/27/2009  Copyright© 2009 Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. All Rights reserved.